
Watch Celine Dion Rock Out During Lady Gaga’s Las Vegas Show

Lady Gaga’s “Enigma” Las Vegas residency has racked up some adulatory reviews since it premiered on Friday night — including a rave recap from Variety’s Chris Willman and a fevered tweetstorm from Ramin Setoodeh, who wrote our recent Gaga cover story — but few are quite as memorable as footage of Vegas residency queen Celine Dion rocking out to the show on Sunday night.

Gaga returned the compliment with style from the stage, shouting out Dion and saying:

“She prayed with me and my entire crew backstage before this show, that’s how amazing she is.

“And when she was asked if she had any advice for me in Las Vegas,” Gaga continued, “she said I didn’t need it because I was strong and I knew what I was doing, and, oh my God, there has not — I swear to you, the number of women that I can count on one hand who are supportive in this industry — I would lose fingers. You are amazing!”

Gaga then dedicated “You and I” to Dion, who continued to rock out. See the tribute below, and head over to for several more priceless videos of Dion enjoying the show.

In his review, Willman wrote, “’Lady Gaga Enigma’ is a generous show, by Vegas pop standards, not just by exceeding the standard get-‘em-out-onto-the-slot-machines set length, but because Gaga also happens to do almost two hours more of actual singing than some of her counterparts on the Strip. (No names necessary here.) …  This really is a back-to-roots move for the superstar… if you consider her roots to be the art and artifice of being spectacular, whether that’s filling a stage or dazzling with just one outlandish costume. And after all the time she’s spent establishing her bona fides as a crooner and actress, it’s a considerable pleasure to spend this much time in the shallow of fireworks, flying gyroscopes, Transformer-type marching machines, a band that can effectively incorporate industrial metal and funk, and the most spectacular unitards known to womankind. … She and ‘Born This Way’ were both born to be in Vegas, and to raise the bar for superstar residencies just a little bit higher.”

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