Fatima Ali, known as Chef Fati on season 15 of “Top Chef,” has died from a rare form of cancer. She was 29 years old.
Ali was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in 2017. She was found to be cancer-free in early 2018, but the terminal disease had returned a few months later in September.
Fellow “Top Chef” competitor Bruce Kalman shared his reaction on Instagram on Friday morning.
“It’s with a heavy heart we say goodbye to Fatima Ali today, as she has lost her battle with cancer,” he said. “I will miss you Fati, and you will be in my heart forever. I’ll always remember the great times we had, especially our interview during the tailgating episode discussing football, stadiums, and Taylor Swift.”
This article was originally published by Variety.com. Read the original article here.