Big-budget Korean-made animation “Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs” has been set up for a wide international release through a slew of local distributors. The film, a modern English-language retelling of “Snow White,” features the voices of Chloe Grace Moretz, Sam Claflin and Gina Gershon as Snow White, Merlin and the Witch Queen, respectively.
Sales company Finecut has licensed it to Lucky Red for Italy, Kino Swiat for Poland, Soundspace International for India, Gulf Film for the Middle East, BF Distribution for Latin America, and Golden River Intercine for Vietnam.
Finecut is nearing a deal for North America, which it hopes to solidify after the completed film’s screening this week in the Berlin Film Festival’s European Film Market. Once confirmed, that would allow the other distributors to set release dates.
The film was written and directed on a $20 million budget by Hong Sungho (“Wonderful Days”). Production was handled through Korea’s Locus. The film’s animation director is Kim Jin (“Big Hero 6,” “Frozen,” “Tangled”), while Geoff Zanelli (“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” “Justice League”) provides the music.
“Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs” retells the European fairy tale as an encounter between Snow White, who finds a pair of magical shoes that transform her into a classically beautiful princess, and the seven dwarfs, who need a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world to undo a curse. In the course of their journey, all come to realize the true meaning of beauty.
Other deals include sales to Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa (Lusomundo); the Baltic States (Acme); Bulgaria (Pro Films); the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary (Bohemia Motion Pictures); former Yugoslavia and Albania (Blitz Film); Israel (Film House); the Philippines (ABS-CBN); and Turkey (Fabula).