Following the arrest of Jussie Smollett on Thursday, with the “Empire” star facing charges of filing a false police report and disorderly conduct after allegedly staging an attack, celebrities and politicians were quick to weigh in on social media.
President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday morning, “What about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!?” Several other right-wing commentators denounced the actor’s actions, and wondered if Democratic politicians, like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, would retract their initial support of Smollett.
Talks shows, like “The View” and “The Daily Show,” also tackled the controversial case. Alongside host Trevor Noah, comedian Jaboukie Young-White used his viewpoint as a gay black man to unpack Smollett’s actions.
Fellow actors, like Patton Oswalt, Andy Cohen, and Yvette Nicole-Brown, also expressed their frustration with the hoax.
Several celebrities, like director Tyler Perry, and organizations, like Out Magazine, wished the attention that Smollett received would be given to real crimes.