
Nobel Prize Winner Denis Mukwege Boards ‘Zero Impunity;’ Indie Sales Unveils Trailer

Paris-based company Indie Sales has enlisted the support of the Mukwege Foundation, the org created by Nobel Peace Prize winning Congolese doctor and activist Denis Mukwege, for its animated documentary “Zero Impunity.”

“Zero Impunity” is part of a global transmedia project combining investigative journalism and activism focused on ending the seemingly blanket impunity for sexual violence in current armed conflicts. Based on six in-depth investigations spearheaded by 11 female journalists, the documentary weaves animated sequences chronicling stories of sexual violence in times of war across the world, notably in Ukraine and Syria, with live action segments featuring survivors, whistle-blowers and psychologists.

Mukwege is a prominent Congolese gynecologist who founded the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where for decades he has been treating thousands of women who have been raped by armed rebels. He was jointly awarded last year’s Nobel Peace Prize with Iraqi Yazidi human rights activist Nadia Murad.

The partnership with Mulwege is set to give the documentary a greater visibility, as well as support the initiative “Global Network of Victims and Survivors to End Wartime Sexual Violence” which aims at connecting all survivors on a single platform. “Zero Impunity” is now launching a major appeal for donations to its community of more than 400,000 people.

“In order for a voice to exist, it must be listened to. It’s a basic social mechanism. We wanted to highlight the role that we can all play, we can provide a listening ear and empathy,” said the documentary’s co-directors Nicolas Blies and Stéphane Hueber-Blies.

“By refusing to listen to those who speak up, we become complicit in impunity. On the other hand, by listening actively, each of us can takepart in spreading the messages of those who speak up and making their words resonate,” added the filmmakers.

A multi-pronged initiative, “Zero Impunity” was produced by Luxembourg based a_BAHN, whose credits include “Soundhunters” and “Generation What.” Melusine Productions, a leading European studio whose credits include “The Breadwinner,” “Ernest & Celestine” and “The Congress,” created the animation.

Camera Talk (“Soundhunters) and Webspider co-produced the doc in France. “Zero Impunity” was also supported by Film Fund Luxembourg and the French CNC.

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