Wendy and Lizzie Molyneux, who serve as writers and co-executive producers on the animated Fox comedy series “Bob’s Burgers,” have signed a three-year overall deal with 20th Century Fox Television.
“Wendy and Lizzie are hilarious writers who have had a long history with this studio and we are so glad this will now formally become their exclusive home,” said Jonnie Davis, president of creative affairs for 20th Century Fox Television. “They’ve been incredible contributors to our gem, Bob’s Burgers, Loren loves them and our head of animation Marci Proietto has been their champion, for good reason. It’s no accident that their new animated series in the works for Fox attracted an all-star voice cast; it’s just that special, as are they.”
Under their new deal, the Molyneuxs will continue to work on “Bob’s Burgers” as well as “The Great North,” the animated series they currently have in development at Fox, in addition to developing new projects.
“We’re really grateful and excited to remain here at our creative home and to keep working with Jonnie, Dana, Peter and Howard,” the Molyneuxs said. “They’ve always been incredibly supportive even though we’ve been perfectly open about the fact that every single one of our scripts is actually written by our mom, Sue.”
The Molyneuxs have been with “Bob’s Burgers” for nine seasons. They also recently finished writing the feature “The People We Hate at the Wedding” for FilmNation and Michael DeLuca.
This marks the eleventh overall 20th TV has announced since the studio joined the Walt Disney Company, as the war to lock down top talent raging between the studios and streamers intensifies.