A high-end television drama based on an original screenplay by acclaimed filmmaker Stanley Kubrick has been set as a first scripted project for new European production company Media Musketeers. “God Fearing Man” was one of two initial projects announced Tuesday by the company, which was officially launched in April by former Warner Bros executive Chris Law and former Apple executives Sebastien Janin and Andy Docherty.
“God Fearing Man” is based on a book by Herbert Emerson Wilson and Kubrick’s original screenplay which tell the true story of a Canadian church minister-turned-safecracker who became one of the most successful bank robbers in U.S. history.
Media Musketeers will collaborate with U.K. independent producer ForLan Films on the project. ForLan has developed the project as a four-hour TV drama, working with Philip Hobbs, who served as co-producer on Kubrick’s 1987 Vietnam War classic “Full Metal Jacket.” Hobbs will produce alongside ForLan’s Steve Lanning. Janin and Docherty will serve as executive producers.
Media Musketeers is also teaming with ForLan Films for multimedia series “Pulse.” The new company will invest in both projects, which were developed by ForLan, with Media Musketeers also handling distribution. Both shows are scheduled to go into production in 2020.
“We are delighted to partner ForLan to bring these high-quality dramas to life,” said Janin. “Their projects have been in development for a number of years, so it is gratifying that with our support and Steve and Phil’s proven production skills and experience, they are finally being brought to the screen.”
“Pulse” is an eight-part sci-fi drama set in the world of console game developers. Written by Stephen R. Clarke, it sees life begin to imitate art as the show’s key protagonists start to inhabit a world similar to the one they created in their games, following a catastrophic event. ForLan and Media Musketeers aim to develop the show’s IP beyond the linear TV series including into gaming.