
American Airlines Eliminates Oversized Bag Fees for Musical Equipment

Guitar slinging flyers rejoice! American Airlines passengers can now check their musical equipment as standard baggage without the previous oversized bag fees.

The airline said in a statement that the new policy, “will be music to the ears of musicians who fly on American.”

Sporty passengers too have cause to celebrate as the new rule applies to sports equipment such as skis or surfboards.

Before the policy change, a passenger could expect pay $150 in oversized bag fees to for a checked oversized musical instrument or sporting equipment on a domestic flight. Now, the standard $30 fee applies to the two categories of baggage, provided they fall within the airline’s maximum weight and dimensions prescriptions. The checked oversized bag will count towards the customer’s normal bag allowance.

“American has made it easier for musicians and athletes to travel with their gear, by eliminating certain fees that were previously imposed on oversize equipment,” Ross Feinstein, a spokesman for the airline, said in a statement.

However, specialty items like scuba tanks and antlers have special handling requirements and will still be charged the original fee of $150. It is unclear what sort of fees extremely oversized instruments such as an Alphorn, the world’s largest tuba (pictured) or a giant synthesizer like the one used by the late Keith Emerson might incur.

Joerg Wachsmuth From Dresden Plays 'Flight of the Bumblebee' on the World's Biggest Playable Tuba with the Symphony Orchestra of Markneukirchen Inmarkneukirchen Germany 15 May 2012 the Tuba is 2 Meters High Weighs Arounf 50 Kg and Has a Bell with a 1 M Diameter Making It Roughly Twice As Big As an Ordinary Sized Tuba Germany MarkneukirchenGermany Giant Tuba - May 2012

CREDIT: Hendrik Schmidt/EPA/REX/Shutterstock

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