Nickelodeon’s new competition series, “America’s Most Musical Family,” which was announced in February, has revealed its judges lineup and recording partner. Ciara, who serves as executive producer, will be joined by singer Debbie Gibson and YouTube star David Dobrik on the panel. Nick Lachey, of the group 98°, hosts the show.
The 12-episode series will feature 30 talented families competing for a recording contract with Republic Records, home to Post Malone, Taylor Swift and The Weeknd, among many other marquee acts, as well as a $250,000 cash prize.
Production starts in Los Angeles imminently with the show’s premiere slated for later this fall.
Said Rob Bagshaw, Nickelodeon’s executive vice president of unscripted content who oversees production for “America’s Most Musical Family”: “This competition for all ages is about celebrating exceptionally talented families. We’re in for a spectacular show.”
“America’s Most Musical Family” is produced by Industrial Media’s The Intellectual Property Corporation, with IPC’s Eli Holzman and Aaron Saidman, Claire Kosloff and showrunner Jeff Boggs as Executive Producers. Ciara also serves as Executive Producer, alongside Republic Records and Nickelodeon’s Rob Bagshaw and Paul J Medford. The series is directed by Julia Knowles, with stage design by Anton Goss.
Viacom-owned Nickelodeon reaches 90 million households in the U.S.