Hugh Laurie, the Golden Globe-winning star of “House” and “The Night Manager,” will play a beleaguered politician in a new four-part thriller for the BBC, “Roadkill,” from acclaimed playwright and screenwriter David Hare. The series is being produced by The Forge (“Collateral”).
Laurie stars as Peter Laurence, a charismatic Conservative Party government minister who remains remorseless and guilt-free even as shameful revelations about his personal life emerge. Rivals plot to undermine him while he continues to pursue his ambitions.
Rumors about the project have been circulating for weeks. While the series is apparently not directly modeled on current Conservative British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, parallels will nonetheless be drawn.
“’Roadkill’ is a thriller which explores the relationship between personal morality and political power,” said Piers Wenger, the BBC’s controller for drama, who commissioned the series along with BBC content director Charlotte Moore. “Hugh Laurie is an incredible actor who will play this fictional role with utter conviction, and it is a great honor to work once again with David Hare and The Forge to bring this brilliantly sharp and funny drama to BBC One.”
Hare, who often engages with political subjects in his writing, said that he first worked with Laurie in 1987 “when he set off on his riveting change of direction from adroit comedian to commanding dramatic actor.” Hare worked with The Forge on the previous thriller “Collateral.”
“Roadkill” will be directed by Michael Keillor (“Line of Duty,” “Chimerica”). Its executive producers are Hare, Keillor, George Faber and Mark Pybus for The Forge, Lucy Richer for the BBC.
Additional cast announcements will be made later.