
Ruby Rose Underwent Emergency Surgery Following ‘Batwoman’ Stunts

Ruby Rose revealed that she underwent emergency surgery several months ago after she herniated two discs doing stunts for “Batwoman.”

According to the actress’ graphic Instagram video post, the two discs were close to severing her spinal chord, requiring emergency surgery at the risk of becoming paralyzed.

The post itself documents Rose’s surgery journey, including the initial incision that resulted in a “Pez dispenser scar” on her neck as well as the ensuing surgery in all its entirety.

“Thank you Dr Bray for everything you did and for allowing me to keep working and doing what I love. I am forever in your debt,” Rose wrote of the surgery. “And to anyone asking why I let them video it.. Did you not watch that ‘Greys Anatomy’ episode where they left a towel in a patient?? Also I wanted to see what happens when we go under.”

Rose plays plays the titular lesbian superhero in “Batwoman,” which is set to premiere Oct. 6 on The CW.

However, that won’t be the first time she assumes the superhero mantel. The “Batwoman” actress already made her debut as Batwoman/Kate Kane in a DC Crossover episode that linked three storylines from CW’s “Supergirl,” “Flash” and “Arrow” and served as a trial run for the character.

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