CNN primetime anchor Chris Cuomo apologized for making an insensitive remark during the cable-news network’s broadcast of a “town hall” event meant to elicit views on LGBTQ issues from Democratic candidates.
Senator Kamala Harris on Thursday at the event told Cuomo her personal pronouns were “she, her and hers.” Cuomo responded: “Mine, too.” His retort sparked criticism on social media. Cuomo is the anchor of “Cuomo Prime Time,” which has become in its short time on air the most-watched hour on the AT&T-owned cable-news network.
After the event, the anchor apologized. He tweeted: “When Sen. Harris said her pronouns were she her and her’s, I said mine too. I should not have. I apologize. I am an ally of the LGBTQ community, and I am sorry because I am committed to helping us achieve equality. Thank you for watching our townhall.”
The forum was one of a number of “town hall” events many TV-news outlets have held, sparked in part by massive audience interest in the 2020 election and issues surrounding it. The CNN event was broadcast from Los Angeles.