Korean drama “Kim Ji-young, Born 1982” opened on Wednesday and landed on top of the South Korean box office. The film adaptation of a best-selling feminist novel of the same title earned $8.3 million from 1.12 million admissions over five days, including $6.31 million from 829,000 admissions earned over the weekend.
Directed by Kim Do-young, the Lotte Cultureworks release tackle the thorny issues of gender inequality and glass ceilings in Korea’s male chauvinist society, through the story of a woman who gives up her career to raise her child. “Kim Ji-young” accounted for 50% of the total weekend box office.
“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil” dropped to second from the previous weekend’s top spot. The Disney release earned $2.38 million from 325,000 admissions between Friday and Sunday for a total of $8.27 million after two weekends. “Joker” slipped to third, earning $1.82 million over the weekend. The crime thriller has accumulated a total of $36.8 million after four weekends on release.
Korean romantic comedy “Crazy Romance” incurred a week-on-week drop of 51% and took fourth place. The Next Entertainment World release earned $1 million between Friday and Sunday to extend its four-weekend total to $20.4 million.
Both opening on Wednesday, “Rambo: Last Blood” and “Big Trip” debuted in fifth and sixth places, respectively. Actioner “Rambo” earned $518,000 over five days, while children’s animation “Big Trip” earned $221,000 over the same period.