The BBC is to air a special fund-raising entertainment show, “The Big Night In,” on April 23, which will put a spotlight on the work of those battling with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provide some showbiz relief to lift the spirits of the Brits under lockdown.
Funds raised through the three-hour show will be split equally between the BBC’s biggest charitable partners, BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief. They will use the funds to “provide essential support to local charities, projects and programs across the U.K. to help those most in need,” according to a statement from the broadcaster.
The star-studded live show, to be carried on the flagship channel BBC One, will be produced by BBC Studios Entertainment. It will “offer some light relief and entertainment, whilst celebrating and rewarding those going the extra mile to support their communities in these troubled times,” the BBC said.
“The Big Night In” was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, director BBC Content, and Kate Phillips, controller BBC Entertainment Commissioning, for BBC One. The commissioner for the BBC is Katie Taylor. Peter Davey and Colin Hopkins are the executive producers for BBC Studios Entertainment.
Moore said: “BBC One will bring the nation together for this special one off live charity event. I would like to thank both BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief for joining forces in these unprecedented times to provide their support to local charities, projects and programs across the whole U.K.; and to all of the stars taking part in this unmissable night of entertainment when the country needs it most.”