After six seasons on the air, audiences said goodbye to the cast of “Schitt’s Creek” on Tuesday with the series finale. The Rose family and other beloved residents of the fictional town head off to new beginnings, with motel manager Stevie Budd (Emily Hampshire) sticking around to help run things. After the finale aired, Hampshire came on the Variety After-Show to discuss her journey with the series.
“The last day of shooting exteriors was the last scene. So we were all ‘for-reals’ emotional,” Hampshire told Variety. “Before we even shot that scene, I got on set and everyone was crying and I was like ‘Yeah, it doesn’t affect me when I end a show.’ Two seconds later, I’m bawling.”
Hampshire also discussed her personal experience working on the show, touching on how the series helped her come out as pansexual.
“We did this scene in season one where David described his sexuality through this wine metaphor. During that scene I remember saying to Dan [Levy] “‘What’s pansexual? I don’t get the metaphor.’ Cut to five years later and I definitely am pan… I just didn’t know that even existed, but I’ve always been attracted to a vibe.”
Hampshire also recounted the cast’s viewing party of the finale. “We’re all on Zoom watching on our own things. It’s like we were in Schitt’s Creek with the technology there,” she laughed. “The technology here? Don’t know how to use it. But we reconvened at commercials and turned off our mute and everyone was crying.”
Watch the full video to see Hampshire touch on her favorite episode, predict where Stevie ends up in five years and perform a brief reprise of “Maybe This Time” from “Cabaret.”
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