Utopia Distribution has acquired “Turning Point,” a documentary that follows researchers in their quest to develop treatments for Alzheimer’s. It will premiere on Altavod, Utopia’s new distribution platform on Sept. 21 before being made available on other streaming platforms such as Amazon and iTunes a day later.
The release is being tied to World Alzheimer’s Day. The film was directed by James Keach, the documentarian behind “Glen Campbell… I’ll Be Me,” a portrait of the country music legend’s farewell tour after revealing he had been diagnosed with the disease.
“Turning Point” investigates the complex issues facing the American healthcare system as it seeks to treat a disease that has no cure and investigates why Alzheimer’s has a disproportionate impact on minority and disadvantaged communities.
“Turning Point” originally hit the festival circuit in 2018, but has been updated to address new developments in the research field.
“We are thrilled to be working with Utopia Distribution on the release of this timely and inspirational film, ‘Turning Point.’” said Keach. “While we’re seeing every day on the news the passionate research scientists conducting clinical trials and racing to find a vaccine to stop Coronavirus, it is an honor to share the personal journeys of the men and women who dedicate their lives to discovering a cure for Alzheimer’s. It’s a virtuous and worthy cause that has rarely had a light shined on it. That is what my intention was in making this film – to celebrate the unsung heroism and intimate devotion of the researchers, patients, and family members working to discover lifesaving drugs and their personal struggles towards finding a cure.”
The deal was negotiated by Julie Dansker on behalf of the filmmakers and Danielle Digiacomo, Utopia’s head of acquisitions.
“’Turning Point’ was created to bring a deeper understanding to the process of finding a cure to Alzheimer’s disease,” said DiGiacamo. “It shows that you don’t have to have been personally affected by the disease to feel empathy for those who have and understand the devastating growing impact that Alzheimer’s has on the human race. We are grateful that we can play a role in bringing this film to a larger audience.”
Turning Point was produced by PCH Films and is presented in association with BrightFocus Foundation, a funder of innovative scientific research worldwide to defeat Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, and glaucoma.
Utopia’s films include “American Dharma,” “Sword of Trust,” and “Mickey and the Bear.”