The period action animation “Demon Slayer The Movie: Mugen Train” has passed “Titanic” at the Japanese box office, to become the territory’s number two all-time hit, according to figures announced on Monday by distributor Aniplex.
Based on a hit comic by Gotoge Koyoharu that has sold more than 100 million copies in all formats, including digital, the film has earned $264 million from 20.5 million admissions as of Nov. 29, some 45 days since its opening on Oct. 16.
This exceeds the $251 million “Titanic” made in Japan in 1997, which was then the all-time record. In 2001 Miyazaki Hayao’s animated fantasy “Spirited Away” ascended to the historic top spot with $295.5 million.
Last week, “Demon Slayer” moved into the number three slot past “Frozen,” which earned $245 million in 2014 and the Shinkai Makoto anime “Your Name” which grossed $240 million in 2016. (Figures have not been adjusted for inflation or currency movement.) “Demon Slayer” needed only 15 days following its release to reach the JPY10 billion ($96 million) milestone, compared to 25 days for “Spirited Away.”
The “Demon Slayer” comic began running in “Shukan Shonen Jump” magazine in 2016. The story focuses on a boy who turns demon slayer after his family is killed and his sister kidnapped by demons.
The comic previously inspired a TV anime series that ran from April to September 2019 in Japan. Aniplex, which is wholly owned by Sony Music Entertainment Japan, has also been distributing the series on the Netflix, Amazon and Hulu platforms.
The “Demon Slayer” movie is set for a North American release in early 2021, with Aniplex of America and Funimation distributing.