“The Mandalorian” has officially become the first Disney Plus series to make an appearance on Nielsen’s recently-launched streaming top 10 list.
The “Star Wars” series jets in at number three for the week of Oct. 26, placing only behind “The Queen’s Gambit” and “The Office” on Netflix. According to Nielsen, the show’s 9 episodes (including its Oct. 30 season 2 premiere) were watched for a total of over 1 billion minutes during that week. Expect “Mandalorian” to remain in the top 10 over the next few weeks as more of its second season is taken into account.
The season 2 premiere gave “Star Wars” fans a small glimpse of a former character, and it’s worth looking out for the boost the series will receive for the week of Thanksgiving, given the amount of excitement its revelations have generated online.
Elsewhere on the list, rom-com movie “Holidate” also made it for the first time, following in the footsteps of several other Netflix films.
Nielsen’s ranking is based on the amount of minutes consumers who have access to platforms are streaming during the week. It should also be noted that streamers like Netflix and Amazon do not release their own detailed streaming numbers and these are based on Nielsen estimates. Nielsen factors in Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Disney Plus into its top 10 streaming measurements.
“The Queen’s Gambit” (Netflix) (7 episodes) – 1,850 minutes (millions)
“The Office” (Netflix) (192 episodes) – 1,046 minutes (millions)
“The Mandalorian” (Disney Plus) (9 episodes) – 1,032 minutes (millions)
“Schitt’s Creek” (Netflix) (80 episodes) – 963 minutes (millions)
“Holidate” (Netflix) (1 episode) – 654 minutes (millions)
“Grey’s Anatomy” (Netflix) (361 episodes) – 624 minutes (millions)
“Criminal Minds” (Netflix) (277 episodes) – 620 minutes (millions)
“NCIS” (Netflix) (353 episodes) – 552 minutes (millions)
“The Haunting of Bly Manor” (Netflix) (9 episodes) – 535 minutes (millions)
“Great British Baking Show” (Netflix) (63 episodes) – 530 minutes (millions)