In her last few years as an actor on the hit show “Big Bang Theory,” Kaley Cuoco said she often felt pressured to try her hand at producing. But she recalled in keynote conversation for Variety‘s Entertainment Summit at CES, a partner program, that she didn’t feel like the time was right until she read the tagline for Chris Bohjalian’s book “The Flight Attendant.”
“I had no interest in producing, it wasn’t something that called my name at the time,” she said. “I thought if I wanted to, I’ll know when the time is right. And I knew in the moment when I held this book in my hand that this was going to be the next thing and I was ready to dive in.”
During the discussion, moderated by Variety‘s Jenelle Riley, the star and producer for HBO Max’s “The Flight Attendant” addressed her experience wading into the new waters of producing. She also said she feels women who act in the entertainment industry are finally beginning to occupy the space they deserve in storytelling.
“I do think if you have that opportunity to get in there, especially women right now, this is our time,” she said. “This is our world now. And TV is hot. Dreaming is hot. And it’s great to be able to have your own voice and your own opinion.”
And while Cuoco said she played an integral role in bringing about the existence of a TV adaptation of “The Flight Attendant,” she also spoke highly of the full cast and crew who made her dream possible. They worked long hours and kept the ship upright in a way that she couldn’t do on her own, she said.
“It actually saddens me that I feel I had my head in the sand for so many years,” Cuoco said. “I truly did not know what it took and what a team effort it is. This is not a one woman show. It makes you so proud and it is bittersweet to see it come out and see this thing that you created with all these amazing people that helped you along the way. Just remember how you got there.”
Watch the full conversation above.