“Les Parfums,” a romantic comedy-drama starring Emmanuelle Devos (“Read My Lips”) and Grégory Montel (“Call My Agent!”), has been acquired by Distrib Films for U.S. distribution. Global rights for the film are handled by Pyramide Films International.
The film, directed by Gregory Magne, tells the story of Anne Walberg, a celebrity in the world of fragrance, whose professional success has turned her into a quick-tempered diva. Guillaume, her new chauffeur who is freshly divorced, is the only person who is unafraid of her.
“It’s a very elegant, tender and bittersweet film with two actors who seem very inspired by their respective role,” said François Scippa Kohn, founder of New York-based Distrib Films. The executive said he was planning to release the movie in virtual cinemas during the first quarter of this year since movie theaters are closed and there is “no real perspective about their reopening.”
“Les Parfums” also stars Gustave Kervern, Zelie Rixhon and Patrick Ballester. The movie was produced by Frédéric Jouve and Marie Lecoq at Les Films Velvet.
Distrib Films has made several acquisitions since the start of the pandemic, including Anne Fontaine’s “Night Shift” and Jezabel Marques’s “Sol” from Studiocanal; Le Pacte’s “Citizens of the World” by Gianni De Gregorio, which has been playing in virtual since November; and Wild Bunch’s “The Salt of Tears” by Philippe Garrel, which will come out Jan. 22 across more than 50 virtual screens.