Disney Plus’ newest Marvel series “WandaVision” brings back the Marvel Cinematic Universe but through the lens of classic sitcom series from the past. The show, which marks the return of Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany as Vision, respectively, provided a unique opportunity for its cast to reimagine sitcoms from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and on.
When asked about a world from a classic TV series she would like to be mysteriously trapped in, Olsen immediately spoke about an episode from Fox’s “Malcolm in the Middle.” She described that she was drawn to the dry “‘ugh kids’ kind of feeling,” the characters created.
Marvel newcomer Teyonah Parriss (whose character made their debut as a little girl in the 90s-set “Captain Marvel) initially talked about her favorite series to watch, “I Love Lucy,” but added that she would not necessarily want to be “stuck” in the show. “Because it’s about two couples, and I would feel like the fifth wheel,” she explained.
She continued, adding that she would in stead be interested in being a part of ABC’s “Family Matters.” “Lot of good, fun, young teenagers getting into mischief — that would be a fun one,” she said.
Bettany chose “The Dick Van Dyke Show” for its “crazy 1950s American optimism it is projecting,” while Kathryn Hahn said she loved growing up watching “Three’s Company” and “Golden Girls.” “I would’ve been Betty White,” Hahn added, when asked about which character she would have been from “Golden Girls.” “Although Bea Arthur was the coolest person on the planet.”
The first two episodes of the nine-episode series are set to premiere Jan. 15 on Disney Plus, followed by weekly episodes.