Kate Beckinsale and Jai Courtney held court on Monday night at the San Vicente Bungalows at the premiere of their new action thriller “Jolt.”
But COVID protocols came first. After checking in with a door person outside, guests were asked to take rapid tests in the library of the West Hollywood members-only club and not to mingle until they were given their results, most of which took about 10 minutes.
Courtney told me he’s had “quite a few” at-home COVID tests in the last few days because he’s been busy promoting “The Suicide Squad” sequel. “I don’t mind,” he said. “They come to your door and shove a couple of things up your nose.”
Beckinsale admitted she found a sliver of silver lining during the pandemic. “I did OK because I quite like being on my own,” she said. “I’m finding the ‘re-entry’ a little bit much for me.” In fact, Beckinsale was one of just a few people who put a mask on for the screening.
About last night. #katebeckinsale @JaiCourtney #Jolt @PrimeVideo #sanvicentebungalows #JustforVariety pic.twitter.com/FxPabrwUwq
— Marc Malkin (@marcmalkin) July 20, 2021
“Jolt,” available on Amazon Prime Video July 23, tells the story of a woman who suffers from a lifelong affliction in which she can’t control her violent impulses. “I think it’s very much a wish-fulfillment movie for a lot of people right now,” Beckinsale said, laughing. “But it’s really funny. It’s so nice because there aren’t a lot action comedies for women.”
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Courtney described his character in the film as a man who disappears “from the face of the earth” after he and the woman have been on two dates. But that’s as much as he can say without revealing spoilers. “He’s an accountant who works for a very special client,” he said.
Speaking of action comedies, Courtney says director James Gunn delivers that and more with the “Suicide Squad” sequel. “It’s crazy, dude,” he said. “It’s so bizarre. James Gunn is an evil genius in a way and the movie is really something that is representative of what he is capable of. He really pushed the boundaries. He was basically given the keys and told, ‘Do whatever the fuck you want,’ and he did.”
Courtney, who plays Captain Boomerang, continues: “It’s definitely very violent but it’s also really silly and funny and has immense core and heart to it.”
He hopes audiences “will get off their couches” to see the film in theaters because it’s “really designed to be a spectacle and viewed in that way. There’s nothing more earning of that right than something like ‘Suicide Squad.’”