Eminent British director and producer Ridley Scott (“Gladiator,” “Blade Runner,” “Alien”) will receive the inaugural Cartier Glory to the Filmmaker award at the 78th Venice International Film Festival (Sept. 1 – 11).
The award is dedicated to a personality who has made a particularly original contribution to the contemporary film industry. The ceremony for Scott will take place on Sept. 10 in the Sala Grande (Palazzo del Cinema) before the out of competition screening of his new film, “The Last Duel” with Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Jodie Comer, Ben Affleck.
“His personal approach to genre films, which successfully reconciles the requirements of entertainment, the expectations of the general public and the demands of critics, is the most distinctive element of Ridley Scott’s filmmaking,” said Venice festival director Alberto Barbera. “Throughout his amazing and prolific career, which counts just short of thirty films completed with astonishing frequency, Scott has demonstrated his ability to navigate the most disparate genres with ease, injecting new lifeblood into each one of them.”
“His indisputable merits include the extraordinary visual talent and painterly taste he has demonstrated in the creation of sumptuous Baroque and graphically majestic images, accompanied by a rare and priceless talent for directing actors,” Barbera added.
“For this first edition of the Cartier Glory to the Filmmaker Award, Cartier is proud to join the Venice Film Festival in paying tribute to Ridley Scott’s outstanding work, talent and particularly original contribution to the contemporary film industry,” said Arnaud Carrez, chief marketing officer at Cartier. “Ridley Scott has enriched the world of cinema with his productions since the 70s and has unequivocally become a mainstay in contemporary artistic creation.”
“The Last Duel” is a tale of betrayal and vengeance set against in 14th century France and is produced by 20th Century Studios.