Disney Plus’ “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” has been greenlit for a third season, which follows the Wildcats as they begin summer break away from the hallways of East High and go to a sleepaway camp — which promises to be replete with campfires, showmances and curfew-less shenanigans.
“We are overjoyed to be heading to the great outdoors for season three, and grateful to our partners and friends at Disney Plus for their continued support of our next-generation Wildcats,” said creator and executive producer Tim Federle.
Season 1 of “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” follows members of East High’s drama club and its faculty advisers as they prepare for opening night of their school’s inaugural, meta-production of “High School Musical: The Musical,” while Season 2 focuses on a performance of “Beauty and the Beast.” The show is inspired by the Emmy Award-winning “High School Musical” trilogy that propelled the careers of Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. Now, the teen drama is dominating Billboard charts once again and has catapulted the likes of Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett into stardom. The soundtracks for “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” and “High School Musical: The Musical: The Holiday Special” have 1.5 billion combined streams to date.
Production for the third season will relocate from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, and begin later this year. A spokesperson for Disney Plus told Variety that returning and new cast members will be announced in the near future.