“Eternals,” the latest installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has received the lowest rating of all Marvel films from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, though it still scored a “fresh” rating with 62%. “Eternals” is currently rated a touch lower than the previously lowest-rated Marvel film 2013’s “Thor: Dark World,” which sits at a 66% rating.
“Eternals,” which premieres Nov. 5, hasn’t yet been reviewed by every outlet, a factor that could significantly change the ratings when dozens more reviews are added to the average. However, as the ratings stand, “Eternals” has left critics divided.
The Rotten Tomatoes critics consensus reads, “An ambitious superhero epic that soars slightly more often than it strains, ‘Eternals’ takes the MCU in intriguing – an occasionally confounding – new directions.”
Directed by Chloe Zhao, “Eternals” chronicles a race of immortal beings, the titular Eternals, who have secretly lived on earth for thousands of years. Created by entities called Celestials, they are tasked to reunite and battle their evil counterparts, the Deviants, in order to save the world.
The film has been commended for its world-building and visuals, yet has been most criticized for its lack of Marvel action.
“Zhao, a director whose previous three films have all centered on the everyday lives of working class rural outsiders, seems ill-suited to a movie of this scale and frankly uninterested in fight scenes,” said Slate’s Dana Stevens.
Variety‘s Owen Gleiberman called it “a squarely fun and gratifying watch.”
The review from Peter Travers for ABC News was counted as positive, “A Marvel epic that values personal connections over spectacle? Sorry adrenaline junkies, but that’s what Oscar-winning, indie directors Chloe Zhao brings to her first blockbuster. The result is uneven, but memorably inclusive and unique,” Travers wrote.
The ensemble cast includes Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek, Don Lee, Kumail Nanjiani, Barry Keoghan, Brian Tyree Henry, Lauren Ridloff, Lia McHugh and Kit Harrington.