Chinese Animation firm Winsing is participating in the American Film Market this year for the first time, stepping out to present its flagship “GG Bond” animated film series and its derivatives.
The company is also seeking to introduce its subsidiary Iron Fan Studio, a CG animation studio established under Winsing in 2019 that specializes in outsourced animation production services, including work in AR and VR. With around 50 employees, the studio was involved in the production of well-known Chinese animated features including the recent “New Gods: Nezha Reborn,” which grossed $56 million in February, and “White Snake 2: Green Snake,” which grossed $8.17 million in July.
“AFM remains an important market, and although we couldn’t go abroad due to COVID-19, we’ve chosen to take virtual meetings… [even if] online meetings don’t have the same effect as offline face-to-face ones,” said Winsing representative Chrinco Mai.
The GG Bond IP centers on the titular character, a smart, naughty pig whose Chinese name translates to “piggy hero.” A 3D, CG-animated TV series featuring the character has been ongoing since 2005, with 17 seasons to date. In his adventures, GG Bond learns important values and lessons about courage, family and friendship.
Winsing has released six GG Bond feature films so far. The titles have had theatrical releases in Spain, South Korea, Vietnam and Singapore and will be launched on VOD/OTT platforms in Malaysia and Taiwan within the year.
At the center of Winsing’s AFM line-up is the upcoming seventh feature film “GG Bond: Ocean Mission”
At AFM this year, Winsing is looking for distribution and L&M business partners worldwide for “Ocean Mission,” which plans to premiere in China in May of 2022. The company also hopes to find partners for international distribution and financing to collaborate with on future content.