Iranian first film “Hit The Road,” directed by Panah Panahi, was named the winner of the Silver Screen Award for best film. The prizes were announced on the final Saturday of the Singapore International Film Festival.
Silver Screen Awards 2021: Winners
Best Film
“Hit The Road” dir. Panah Panahi (Iran)
Best Director
P.S. Vinothraj for “Pebbles” (India)
Best Performance
Tolepbergen Baissakalov in “Fire” (Kazakhstan).
Southeast Asian Short Film Competition
Best Southeast Asian Short Film
The Men Who Wait dir. Truong Minh Quy (Vietnam)
Best Director
Mark Chua and Lam Li SHuen for “A Man Trembles” (Singapore)
Best Singapore Short
“If Your Bait Can Sing The Wild One Will Come” dir. Lucy Davis
Youth Jury Prize
“Grandma’s Broken Leg” Dir. Huynh Cong Nho (Vietnam)
Special Mention “February 1st” Dirs. Mo Mo and Leila Macaire (Myanmar)
– More to follow.