“The Dynasty,” a documentary series about the professional football team the New England Patriots, has been ordered by Apple, the company announced on Tuesday. The event series comes from Brian Grazer and Ron Howard’s Imagine Documentariess, in association with NFL Films.
The series focuses on the decadent two-decade period when the Patriots were successfully led by quarterback Tom Brady, head coach Bill Belichik and owner Robert Kraft. Directed by Matthew Hamachek, the series offers unprecedented access to the organization and hours of never-before-seen footage and audio files from its archives.
Filmmakers were also given access to the organization during the 2021 season, after Brady had departed from the Patriots to join the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The series will draw from interviews with past and present players, coaches, executives and other individuals with relationships to the organization.
“The Dynasty” will be released as a 10-part series to Apple TV Plus. No official release plans have been finalized. The production is executive produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Sara Bernstein, Justin Wilkes and Jenna Millman, along with Hamachek. Author Jeff Benedict, whose bestselling book serves as the source material for “The Dynasty,” also serves as executive producer. Miranda Johnson serves as co-executive producer.
“The Dynasty” represents the latest development in Apple’s emphasis on unscripted sports docuseries for its streaming service. The company will premiere “The Call Me Magic,” its Magic Johnson series, in the near future. A docuseries about basketball sensation Makur Maker and a short-form unscripted series by Gotham Chopra are also in the works, along with a docuseries about the World Surf League.