“Adults Adopting Adults” has come to an end. The reality series, which was originally set for a 10-episode run on A&E, debuted in January, running both on the network and streaming on the app and AEtv.com. However, the show was suddenly pulled from all platforms after the third episode aired on Feb. 14 and has been canceled due to low ratings, Variety can confirm.
The series was announced in December as a way to tell the “incredible stories of adults seeking legal adoption for either a sincere desire for a true family experience or perhaps more questionable motives.” Shortly after its debut, one couple highlighted began making headlines.
Christy and Danny Huff were looking into to adopting pregnant 20-year-old Ileana from Austria. However, Danny, 59, once tried to adopt an 18-year-old young woman, but it fell through because he had romantic feelings for her. Christy noted that Danny has been unfaithful before and worries that the same thing will happen again with Ileana.
Once the duo’s new daughter joins the family, Danny’s behavior toward Ileana became a hot topic on social media, as he told her, “I want you to stay right here because I like hugging you and you’re awfully sweet.” Additionally, he puts her up in a trailer right outside his front door and spends pays for her medical appointments.
Shortly after the show’s debut, viewers began accusing Huff of grooming and human trafficking. Additionally, videos resurfaced from his now-deleted TikTok account during which makes racially charged comments, including, “Racism is alive and well in this country, unfortunately it comes from the Blacks.”
In a statement to the Daily Beast, Danny Huff denied that the show was canceled due to his remarks and said the allegations of misconduct are “absolutely false.” He added of his comments to Ileana, “I never had any inappropriate actions, words, comments, anything to her.”