The erotic drama is back with the release of “Deep Water,” the Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas-starring thriller that marks the long-awaited directorial return of Adrian Lyne. The Oscar-nominated filmmaker is a master of the erotic thriller, having directed some of the most acclaimed and/or profitable erotic dramas of all time with the likes of “9½ Weeks,” “Fatal Attraction,” “Indecent Proposal” and “Unfaithful.” Lyne was nominated for best director at the Oscars thanks to “Fatal Attraction,” while “Unfaithful” earned Diane Lane an Oscar nomination for best actress.
With “Deep Water” now streaming, Variety is rounding up the other erotic dramas now available on Hulu, Prime Video, Netflix and more platforms. Many of the films listed below are some of the sexiest films ever made, while nearly all of them are guaranteed to provoke and shock the viewer with their frank depictions of sex and intimacy.