Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe declined to weigh in on The Slap when he appeared on a U.K. morning show to promote his new film “The Lost City” on Thursday morning.
“I’m just so already dramatically bored of hearing people’s opinions about it that I just don’t want to be another opinion adding to it,” he told “Good Morning Britain” hosts Susanna Reid and Ben Shephard about the altercation between Will Smith and Chris Rock at the Oscars on Sunday night.
He did recall, however, what it’s like to sit through award ceremonies when the host made jokes at his expense. “When you’re going on stuff as a kid you’re never quite sure if the joke’s with you or you’re the butt of the joke,” Radcliffe said. “So you sort of have a mode of just being like ‘I’ll just keep smiling and laughing and maybe it’ll end soon.’”
And asked whether he had texted his Harry Potter co-star Kenneth Branagh on winning his first Oscar (for best original screenplay) last weekend, Radcliffe admitted that he didn’t have his number.
Radcliffe also spoke about filming “The Lost City” in the Dominican Republic alongside Channing Tatum and Sandra Bullock, revealing that Tatum is “the world’s nicest man.” He even lent a hand when Radcliffe spent his first day on set filming on a boat in choppy waters. “I think they were worried about me just going over the side on my first day, so Channing was like – you don’t see in the film – but Channing was on that boat also, sort of doing stunt safety for me just like grabbing my leg at some point.”
As well as contending with boats, Radcliffe revealed that the shoot had been intensely hot. “I was very sweaty and it was a job to keep me from looking just drenched the whole time,” he said. “But I also had actually a much easier time of it compared to Channing and Sandra and the crew. They were doing long weeks in the jungle and I was coming in every so often for two or three days a week.”
Reid and Shephard also asked Radcliffe about the rumor he will be taking over from Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. “I keep getting asked about it and I always try and be like, ‘No, it’s not happening, it’s just a Twitter rumour.’ And everyone keeps taking that as confirmation. But it’s just fan theory at the moment. But I welcome the comparison. I mean, who wouldn’t like to be compared to Hugh Jackman?”
Pressed on whether he would take the role if offered, Radcliffe responded: “I mean I’d never say never but that sounds like I’m almost inviting it. Like, I’m sure Marvel are watching me like ‘We’re not thinking about you dude.’”