“The Inventor,” the animated family feature by “Ratatouille” scribe Jim Capobianco whose all-star voice cast is led by Marion Cotillard, Daisy Ridley, Stephen Fry and Matt Berry, has been sold by MK2 Films to a flurry of territories.
The stop-motion film, which charts the life of Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci, has pre-sold to a large part of the world, with deals in France (KMBO), Portugal (Nos Lusomundo), Hong Kong & Taiwan (Muse), the Philippines (Falcon), Former Yougoslavia (Karantanija).
MK2 Films has already sold to the U.K., German-speaking Europe, Greece, Italy, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Israel, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, Latin America, the Middle East, Indonesia. Further deals are in negotiation.
Penned and directed by Capobianco, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of “Ratatouille,” “The Inventor” tells the story of Leonardo da Vinci (Fry), whose free-thinking ways clashed with Pope Leo X (Berry), who sent him far from Rome to the French court where he could experiment freely – inventing flying contraptions, incredible machines, and study the human body.
The film’s production kicked off on Feb. 14 at the France-based Foliascope Studio. Irish banner Curiosity Studio is producing it with Foliascope and Leo & King in the U.S. Budgeted at $10 million, the film is expected to be delivered in the late Spring. The Exchange handles sales in the U.S., while MK2 Films is repping international rights.
Tomm Moore, the celebrated animation director whose credits include the Oscar-nominated “Wolfwalkers,””The Song Of The Sea” and “The Secret Of Kells,” serves as 2D animation supervisor on “The Inventor.”
“The Inventor” was produced by Robert Rippberger and Capobianco. Executive producers are Curiosity Rights’ J.D. Zacharias and Former Prodigy Media’s Phil Viardo, who were instrumental in securing major financing elements for the film. Other Executive Producers include Jarnell Stokes, Don Hahn, Habib Paracha, Katherine Waddell, Chris Massimine, Neuman Vong, Ilan Urroz, Ellen Byrne, Vincent Mc Carthy, Kat Alioshin, Kyle Stroud, Keanu Mayo, Nicolas Flory, Jeremy Walton, David Lyons, Ryan Clarkson, Eric Vonfeldt, Chris Capobianco, Steve Muench, Sita Saviolo.
The filmmakers recently started an online store where fan will be able to buy one-of-a-kind props and artwork from the film, while the creators are also developing vertical NFT and AR offerings to coincide with the release of the film.