South Asian focused streamer ZEE5 Global and BBC Studios India have partnered to create a slate of Hindi-language originals across genres, commencing with series “The Broken News,” an adaptation of Mike Bartlett’s BBC show “Press,” directed by Vinay Waikul (Netflix’s “Aranyak”). The plot turns on two rival news channels based in Mumbai – Awaaz Bharati, an independent, ethical news channel, and Josh 24/7 News, which offers sensationalist and invasive journalism, and what transpires between the main characters in their quest for news. The cast includes Sonali Bendre, making her streaming debut, Jaideep Ahlawat, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Indraneil Sengupta, Taaruk Raina, Aakash Khurana and Kiran Kumar.
Archana Anand, chief business officer, ZEE5 Global said: “This partnership is in line with ZEE5 Global’s strategy to build a portfolio of unique and compelling stories from South Asia that continue to delight our viewers.” Sameer Gogate, general manager, BBC Studios India, added: “The strength of our formats lies in their ability to transcend across cultural boundaries and languages.”
As revealed by Variety, ZEE5 Global recently revealed an 80-strong 2022 slate spread over multiple Indian languages. It includes 40 original series and 40 films.
TrustNordisk has acquired international sales rights of Fenar Ahmad’s upcoming action thriller “Darkland: Case Closed.” The film is currently shooting and stars Dar Salim (“Game of Thrones”), who plays a truth-seeking anti-hero, who after seven years in prison is forced to return to the criminal underworld in his attempt to see his estranged seven-year-old son. The cast also includes Stine Fischer Christensen (“After The Wedding”), and Birgitte Hjort-Sørensen (“Borgen”). Written by Ahmad and Behrouz Bigdeli, the film is produced by Jacob Jarek and Marta Mleczek for Profile Pictures with support from the Danish Film Institute by commissioning editor Lotte Svendsen, in collaboration with DR – Danish Broadcasting Corporation and Nordisk Film Distribution.