“Nanny McPhee” director Kirk Jones is set to take on Donald Trump in his first television series, “You’ve Been Trumped.”
The drama, based on Anthony Baxter’s 2011 documentary, tells the story of a small Scottish village who took on the then-reality TV star when he tried to build a golf course in a nature reserve. Jones, who has previously written and directed “Waking Ned” and “Everybody’s Fine,” is also writing the project while Baxter will serve as a creative consultant.
“There was a reason why the world’s media was drawn to this story in 2006 and why there was such a determined effort to prevent Anthony Baxter’s excellent documentary of the same name, being released in 2011,” said Jones. “A special site of scientific interest was stripped of its status and a community of decent people faced an unwanted aggressor. This is a story that needs to be told to a wider audience and I am thrilled to be working with this team on what we plan to be a humorous, dramatic and emotionally engaging TV series set in one of the most stunning locations in the British Isles.”
Vertigo Films (“Britannia”) are co-produced the series with Blazing Griffin (“Book of Love”) and Montrose Pictures (“You’ve Been Trumped”). Jones will exec produce the series alongside Allan Niblo for Vertigo Films, Naysun Alae Carew and Lizzie Gray for Blazing Griffin and Anthony Baxter for Montrose Pictures.