“AZNBBGRL,” the upcoming coming-of-age series from Freeform and 20th Television, revealed its series regular cast on Tuesday. The show will be led by Cathy Bui, Lynn Kim Do and Jazelle Villanueva.
Set in the Vietnamese community of Little Saigon in Orange County, “AZNBBGRL” follows three Asian American teenagers as they carve out their own place in the world. Driven by a desire to break free from generational expectations, the three women form an intense bond when they become entangled with a street gang that offers them a way out.
Bui, previously seen in Erin Tau’s short film “All I Ever Wanted,” will play Anh, a hard working woman focused on getting into a top college. Her dream is derailed when she and her best friend Jenny, played by Kim Do of “FBI: Most Wanted,” are forced into a scheme that leads them to a street gang. Jenny, born to a well-off family but constricted by her parent’s expectations, enlisted her best friend Anh in the dangerous plan. Finally, Villanueva portrays Dang-Dang, a lively young woman with a troubled past. Though initially at odds with Jenny, Dang-Dang grows a surprisingly deep friendship with Jenny and Ahn.
Also confirmed as part of the “AZNBBGRL” cast is Quentin Nguyen-Duy (“Law & Order: SVU”), Alejandro Akara (“Dark Harvest”), Audrey Huynh (The Boss Baby: Back in Business) and Cat Ly (“Owl and the Sparrow”).
“AZNBBGRL” is executive produced by Natalie Chaidez, Dinh Thai, Kai Yu Wu and Melvin Mar. Jake Kasdan produces for The Detective Agency. Wu will serve as showrunner, and Thai will also direct.