Prepare to step back into the world of “Game of Thrones” on Sundays once again. HBO’s prequel series, “House of the Dragon,” reenters Westeros. However, instead of telling a sprawling story across various cities, this series mainly follows the Targaryen family about 200 years before Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen were born.
Unlike the original “Game of Thrones,” showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are not involved with “House of the Dragon.” Instead, author George R.R. Martin and Ryan Condal created the prequel series, which is based on Martin’s book “Fire & Blood.” The novel tells the long history of House Targaryen over several generations — a second volume of the novels is set to release at some point (first, Martin needs to finish his main “A Song of Ice and Fire” series).
“House of the Dragon” tells the story of the Dance of Dragons, which is the war of succession within House Targaryen. Since it was extensively covered in “Fire & Blood,” the entire story exists to read, so viewers of the HBO series should beware of spoilers for upcoming storylines.
Just like the original series, “House of the Dragon” introduces viewers to a wide cast of characters right off the bat. There are lots of complex political, familial and romantic (and sometimes all three!) relationships between everyone, so here’s a rundown of who’s who.
“House of the Dragon” premieres on HBO and HBO Max on Aug. 21.