Japan’s biggest film group Toho announced that it has taken a controlling stake in TIA (previously Toho Interactive Animation), a production company behind the “100 Nichikan Ikita Wani,” film and anime series “iii icecrin,” “iii icecrin2” “Ninja Collection” and “That Is the Bottleneck.”
Originally known as I&A, the company was established in 2017 by ILCA and Anima. The name changed to TIA after Toho bought a nearly 35% from the two founders in 2020. Toho has now bought out Anima’s stake, giving it a 67.4% majority holding and cause to rename the company again, this time to Toho Animation Studio. Deal terms were not disclosed.
Keiji Ota, managing executive officer of Toho, in charge of the studio’s video business and digital content division, is to be appointed as president and representative director at Toho Animation Studio.
Toho has been ramping up slowly in animation over the past ten years and recently enjoyed success with “Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie.” But earlier this year, in a revised mission statement, the group said that it should expand further and make anime its fourth core business.
“Women in Taipei,” the first series to be completed by Taiwan’s Sequoia Entertainment has begun to play on the Disney+ streaming platform in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, with expansion to other territories possible later. The series, which tells everyday story of women’s romantic relationships, friendships, kinship, and careers, is derived from the “Tokyo Girl” series and is the fourth iteration after previous updates focused on Beijing and Shanghai. Sequoia, part of the Grandi group, is also producing LGBTQ series “Nipple Talk,” which it expects to see released by a streaming platform in 2023.
Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan narrates “The Journey of India,” a new series for Warner Bros. Discovery that celebrates India’s rich tapestry of heritage, innovation and contemporary marvels. The show premieres on Oct. 10, 2022 on discovery+ in the Philippines and India. It also airs in India on the Discovery Channel, TLC, Discovery Science, Discovery Turbo and DTamil on the same day. Later, it will be available on discovery+ and across the Discovery network in 140 countries. The six-part series looks at the nation’s progress since independence 75 years ago, with focus on advancements in science and technology, ambitious space missions to the world of cinema.