“The Walking Dead” spinoff centered on Daryl Dixon has added both Clémence Poésy and Adam Nagaitis to its cast, Variety has confirmed.
The duo join series lead Norman Reedus in the new show, which was first announced in September 2020. As previously reported, the show will pick up following the series finale of “The Walking Dead” as Daryl is transported across the Atlantic ocean to France.
Poésy will star as Isabelle, described as “a member of a progressive religious group who joins forces with Daryl on a journey across France and finds herself confronting her dark past in Paris.” Nagaitis will play Quinn, said to be a “displaced Brit who has become powerful in post-apocalyptic Paris as a black marketeer and the owner of the Demimonde, a sexy underground nightclub.”
Poésy was most recently seen in the Apple series “The Essex Serpent.” She is perhaps best known to American audiences for playing Fleur Delacour in the “Harry Potter” film franchise. She has also starred in films like “Tenet,” “In Bruges,” and “127 Hours.”
She is repped by Agence Adequat in France, DO Mgmt, United Agents in the U.K., and MGMT Entertainment.
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