
Amanda Seyfried Reunites With Lindsay Lohan and Asks: ‘Mean Girls 2‘ Is ’Never Going to Happen, Is It?’

Amanda Seyfried has a question for Lindsay Lohan: Will “Mean Girls 2” ever happen? The two “Mean Girls” stars recently reunited for Interview Magazine, where Emmy winner Seyfried got to ask Lohan some questions as part of the latter’s press tour for her Netflix movie “Falling for Christmas.” It’s been 18 years since “Mean Girls” made its debut, and both actors are eager to return to the world of fetch and plastics.

“I would kill just to do one week, all of us playing our own roles on ‘Mean Girls’ on Broadway,” Seyfried said.

Lohan said “that would be really fun,” to which Seyfried asked: “Because a ‘Mean Girls 2’ is never going to happen, is it?

“I don’t know,” Lohan responded. “I heard something about it being a movie musical and I was like, ‘Oh no.’ We can’t do that. It has to be the same tone…Anyway, Tina [Fey] is busy. She’ll get around to it. Listen, we’re all part of each other’s worlds whether we like it or not, and it is really nice to be in contact as adults…everyone’s still the same. It’s fun to have certain memories that we can’t share with anyone else.

Fey, screenwriter of the original “Mean Girls” movie, adapted the film into a Broadway musical, which opened in April 2018 and earned 10 Tony nominations. As Variety reported last year, Fey is planning a film adaption of the Broadway musical. Arturo Perez Jr. and Samantha Jayne have been tapped to direct the project for Paramount. The original “Mean Girls” cast is not involved in the musical, but that’s not to say they don’t want to come back for a traditional film sequel to the 2004 classic.

“Oh, absolutely! I think it would be so much fun to see where these women are now,” co-star Lacy Chabert said on “The Tonight Show” earlier this month when asked about a “Mean Girls” sequel. “And if their kids are the new mean girls? I would love to know what they’re doing. Let’s do it!”

Seyfried told Lohan that her appreciation for “Mean Girls” has grown over time, adding, “Ten years ago I used to be like, ‘Yeah, yeah, I was Karen in “Mean Girls,” for fuck’s sake.’ Now I’m like, ‘I was Karen in “Mean Girls” and I’m very proud of it!’ You had a lot to do with where it went and what it was. I don’t know if you know that. I’m sure you felt the pressure but it didn’t seem like you did. You were working really young, and you were really good, but you were still a kid.”

Read Seyfried and Lohan’s full conversation on Interview Magazine’s website. Lohan’s “Falling for Christmas” is now streaming on Netflix.

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