HBO has greenlit comedy series “Little Films” (working title) from creator, director, star and executive producer Julio Torres.
Over six episodes, Torres tells the tale of when he lost a little golden oyster. The people he encounters as he searches for it, and the musings he has along the way, become points of departure for introspective, often eerie comedic stories about outsiders navigating an increasingly corporate and rapidly dysfunctional New York City.
Irony Point, Fruit Tree and 3 Arts Entertainment produce “Little Films.” The series will begin production in February. Along with Torres, executive producers include Dave McCary and Emma Stone for Fruit Tree; Alex Bach and Daniel Powell for Irony Point; and Olivia Gerke for 3 Arts. Ali Herting serves as co-executive producer for Fruit Tree and Charles Miller produces.
Other cast members have yet to be announced.
“We here at Julio™️ are so excited to be joined by many friends in weaving these fantastical stories shot entirely on stages,” Torres said.
More to come…