The official trailer has dropped for the George Foreman biopic, titled “Big George Foreman: The Miraculous Story of the Once and Future Heavyweight Champion of the World,” from director George Tillman Jr. It explores the life of the legendary boxer turned minister. Forest Whitaker portrays Doc Broadus, the boxer’s longtime trainer who introduced him to the sport, while Khris Davis will portray Foreman. Sullivan Jones will play Muhammad Ali, as the two boxers had iconic bouts during their careers, including the Rumble in the Jungle match in Zaire.
The biopic will follow Foreman’s boxing career highlights, including when he obtained Olympic Gold at the 1968 Mexico City Games and his world heavyweight champion run. Outside of his boxing career, the narrative will cover Foreman finding his faith, retiring and becoming a preacher. Finally, it will document his return to the ring at the age of 45 when his family and church faces financial hardship. He went on to claim the heavyweight champion title, becoming the oldest in boxing history to do so.
Outside of the biopic, Foreman is an incumbent of both the World Boxing Hall of Fame and International Boxing Hall of Fame. The 73-year-old is also known for his entrepreneurship, having worked with Spectrum Brands to create the popular George Foreman Grill in 1994.
The cast includes Jasmine Mathews, Sullivan Jones, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., John Magaro and Sonja Sohn. It’s directed by George Tillman Jr. from a story by Dan Gordon, Frank Baldwin and Tillman Jr., with screenplay by Baldwin Tillman Jr.
The film is set for theatrical release on April 28. Check out the full trailer below.