The series adaptation of the novel “Three Women” is nearing a revival at Starz, Variety has confirmed with sources. The series was previously set up at Showtime but that network scrapped the show despite having shot the entire first season. According to an individual with knowledge of the situation, negotiations are currently underway.
Starz declined to comment.
Based on Lisa Taddeo’s novel of the same name, Shailene Woodley stars in the series along with DeWanda Wise, Betty Gilpin, Gabrielle Creevy, Blair Underwood, and John Patrick Amedori.
The official logline for the show states it is about “three women on a crash course to radically overturn their lives. There is Sloane (Wise), a glamorous entrepreneur in a committed open marriage until two sexy new strangers threaten their aspirational love story, and Maggie, a North Dakota student who weathers an intense storm after accusing her married English teacher of an inappropriate relationship. There is Lina (Gilpin), a homemaker in Indiana who, after a decade in a passionless marriage, embarks on an affair that quickly becomes all-consuming and transforms her life. Gia (Woodley) is a writer grieving the loss of her family, persuades each of these three spectacular ‘ordinary’ women to tell her their stories, and her relationships with them change the course of her life forever.”
Taddeo adapted her book for the screen and serves as executive producer along with Laura Eason, Kathy Ciric, and Emmy Rossum. Louise Friedberg directed and executive produced the first two episodes.
“Three Women” was originally commissioned at Showtime in 2019. It was scrapped at the network after parent company Paramount announced that the Showtime brand would be moving under the purview of Paramount+. At the same time the series was dropped, Showtime also canceled its original series “Let the Right One In” and “American Gigolo” after just one season each.
This is now the second series in recent months that Starz has picked up after it was dropped at another network or streaming service. Starz is also set to air the second season of the period comedy “Minx” after HBO Max decided not to air the new season despite production being mostly completed.
The Hollywood Reporter first broke the “Three Women” news.