The Oscars have announced Raj Kapoor as executive producer and showrunner, Katy Mullan as executive producer, and Hamish Hamilton as the director of the 96th Oscars.
It will be Hamilton’s fourth time directing the ceremony, while Kapoor has worked on the show for the past seven years and most recently served as producer for the 95th Oscars.
“Raj and Hamish have been incredible Oscars collaborators, and we are delighted to welcome them and Katy to lead the 96th Oscars,” said Bill Kramer, Academy CEO and Janet Yang, Academy President. “Their deep love of cinema, fresh vision, and tremendous live television expertise is perfect for our reinvigorated show.”
“Having worked with Raj, Katy and Hamish on many special and memorable projects over the years, we have full confidence in their vision for the 96th Oscars,” said Rob Mills, executive vice president, Unscripted and Alternative Entertainment, Walt Disney Television.
“As a Canadian boy of South Asian descent and a girl from London who grew up watching the Oscars, dreaming of being part of it, this is a ‘pinch me’ moment!” said Kapoor and Mullan. “This has been an exceptional year for the movies, and it’s an absolute privilege to be leading the team celebrating the global film industry and the astounding talents that bring these cinematic stories to life. We’re dedicated to making it a remarkable celebration for all.”
Also announced are the creative team members who returns from the last year’s ceremony including creative director Kenny Gravillis, production designers Misty Buckley and Alana Billingsley, red carpet show executive producer David Chamberlin, and red carpet creative consultants Lisa Love and Raúl Àvila.
The Oscars will air live on Sunday, March 10, 2024.