
Netflix Edits Out Booing of Kim Kardashian During Tom Brady Roast Appearance

Kim Kardashian was booed as she took the stage during “The Roast of Tom Brady” on Sunday, but you won’t see that on Netflix.

The version of the special that’s now available on the streamer bears a disclaimer reading that it was “edited from a previous livestream,” and the boos have been removed, along with Kevin Hart’s brief attempt to pacify the crowd.

During the original stream, the shouting began as host Kevin Hart introduced Kardashian and continued for more than ten seconds, forcing her to start over as she tried to tell her first joke. “Alright, alright,” she said, trying to move past the moment, as Hart called out, “Whoa, whoa, whoa” from his seat.

When Kardashian did get going, her first joke came at Hart’s expense: “People make fun of your height, but what they don’t know is you’re also pretty mean,” she said. “Which makes you the smallest Black dick I’ve ever seen.”

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She then moved onto the main event, roasting Brady with an expected degree of sexual innuendo, as she and the football star were rumored to be dating in the past. “I wasn’t gonna come tonight, but since I’m not here as Tom’s date, there’s still a good chance I might,” she began.

Addressing the rumors head-on, she added, “Speaking of Tom and I dating, I know there were some rumors that we were, and I’d never say if we did or not. I’d just release the tape.”

Kardashian did grow on the audience as she settled into her roast, receiving raucous applause for her next joke: “I do know it would never work out. An ex-athlete, high cheekbones, silky hair — you remind me too much of my stepdad,” she said, referencing Caitlyn Jenner.

“The Roast of Tom Brady” reached 2 million views and landed in the No. 6 position on the Netflix Top 10. It was one of three livestreamed events during Netflix Is a Joke fest, including “Katt Williams: Woke Foke,” which also includes a disclaimer about being edited, and “John Mulaney Presents: Everybody’s in L.A.,” which does not.

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