Just a day after returning to Instagram, Meghan Markle took to the platform to share the first trailer for her upcoming Netflix lifestyle series “With Love, Meghan.”
In the trailer, the Duchess of Sussex showcases her cooking and gardening skills with special guests including Mindy Kaling, Roy Choi, Alice Waters and, of course, her husband Prince Harry. The show’s official plot description reads: “This inspiring series, produced by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, reimagines the genre of lifestyle programming, blending practical how-to’s and candid conversation with friends, new and old. Meghan shares personal tips and tricks, embracing playfulness over perfection and highlights how easy it can be to create beauty, even in the unexpected. She and her guests roll up their sleeves in the kitchen, the garden and beyond, and invite you to do the same.”
In her Instagram post sharing the trailer, Markle wrote: “I have been so excited to share this with you! I hope you love the show as much as I loved making it. Wishing you all a fantastic new year! Thanks to our amazing crew and the team @netflix. Beyond grateful for the support — and fun!”
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Directed by Michael Steed, “With Love, Meghan” consists of eight 33-minute episodes and is produced by Markle and Harry’s Archewell Productions and The Intellectual Property Corporation (IPC), a part of Sony Pictures Television. Executive producers include Markle and Chanel Pysnik for Archewell, Aaron Saidman and Eli Holzman for IPC and showrunner Leah Hariton.
“With Love, Meghan” premieres on Netflix Jan. 15. Watch the full trailer below.