The “Jet Lag: The Game” creators Sam Denby, Ben Doyle and Adam Chase have set their next reality travel competition series, “The Getaway,” to debut this summer on indie streamer Nebula.
The show, which unlike “Jet Lag” (where episodes drop later on YouTube) will be available exclusively on Nebula, follows six creators on a road trip through the American West as they compete in a game of social strategy and deception.
While the majority of the details surrounding “The Getaway’s” format are being kept under wraps by Denby’s Wendover Productions, Variety has confirmed the cast includes Foreign Man in a Foreign Land, Matt Krol, Morning Brew’s Dan Toomey, Georgia Dow, Patrick “Patch” Lacey and Steven Bridges.
Production on the series kicks off April 8.
Though it’s from the same team that makes “Jet Lag: The Game,” “The Getaway” is a separate project from that travel competition series, which just concluded its Switzerland-set ninth season. Season 10 of “Jet Lag,” which will take place in Australia, is already in the works.
Denby, who is also chief content officer at Nebula, will executive produce “The Getaway” alongside Nebula CEO Dave Wiskus and vice president of production Trenton Waterson. Denby will direct, with Doyle and Chase heavily involved in production. Valentina Vee is serving as DP.
“The Getaway” is among several originals recently picked up as part of Nebula’s 2024 programming slate.
“’The Jet Lag’ team told us they had an idea, so we greenlit it,” Wiskus said.
“We’ve been working on this show for the better part of a year so it’s extremely rewarding to see it coming together,” Denby added. “We’ve taken everything we’ve learned from producing ‘Jet Lag’ to the next level to create an exciting new spin on a travel competition series that viewers won’t want to miss.”