Evelyn “Brandy” Foster, who managed the career of daughter Jodie Foster, died May 13 at her Los Angeles home from complications related to dementia, her family announced. She was 90.
Evelyn Foster also guided the career of her son, Buddy Foster, who starred on the 1968-71 CBS series “Mayberry RFD” as the son of Ken Berry’s lead character. Foster is also survived by daughters Lucinda and Constance.
“Evelyn was without a doubt the strongest person her family has ever met, a champion, a fighter, full of fire and love,” her family said in a statement. “No one could beat her style, all five feet tall with naturally ‘corkscrew’ hair. Her family will remember those dimple smiles and big hugs and well-placed four-letter words. No one messed with Nana, an original like no other. May she live in all of us forever.”
Foster was raised in Rockford, Ill., and performed as a big band singer. She met Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Lucius Foster at a fencing match in California. They went on to marry and have four children together.
Evelyn Foster worked briefly as a Hollywood publicist for Arthur Jacobs, whose clients included Grace Kelly, Gregory Peck, James Stewart and Marilyn Monroe. Following her divorce, she began managing the young acting career of her son.
Jodie, her youngest daughter, landed her first commercial at age three in a Coppertone ad. Evelyn Foster managed and guided her daughter’s career until her second best actress Oscar win in 1991 for “The Silence of The Lambs.”
Her family will mourn her passing privately. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests you look up at the sky, open your arms and say her name, adding, “She would get a kick out of that.”