Screen Media has acquired North American rights to Charlie Lightening and Gavin Fitzgerald’s feature documentary “Liam Gallagher: As It Was.” The film follows the former Oasis frontman as he finds himself on the periphery of the rock ‘n’ roll world after years spent at the white hot center of the music world. Screen Media will release the film in the fall and will time it with the debut Gallagher’s upcoming second solo album.
“Liam Gallagher: As It Was” premiered at the Cannes Market this week. Lightening, who previously directed the video for Gallagher’s video “Chinatown,” and his co-director Fitzgerald were granted behind-the-scenes access as Gallagher mounted a comeback. For years, Oasis topped the charts with catchy songs such as “Wonderwall” and “Champagne Supernova,” but Gallagher also dominated headlines with his loutish behavior and feuds with his brother and bandmate Noel. He was able to recapture some of that heat with the 2017 debut of his solo album “As You Were,” a critical and commercial success.
The deal was negotiated at Cannes by Seth Needle, senior VP of worldwide acquisitions at Screen Media, with Mike Runagall at Altitude Film Sales on behalf of the filmmakers. The movie is set for release in the U.K. and Ireland on June 7, including a screening at the legendary Alexandra Palace venue, a special event that sold out in 90 seconds.
“Liam is one of the most influential and accomplished musicians of the last 30 years,” said Needle. “‘Liam Gallagher: As It Was’ showcases his talent and personality like nothing before.”
Lightening previously directed projects about Paul McCartney and Jamiroquai. Fitzgerald directed “Conor McGregor: Notorious,” as well as “The Fighting Irish,” a look at MMA fighters. “Liam Gallagher: As It Was” is produced by Steven Lappin.
Screen Media also bought the sci-fi/horror anthology movie “Portals” at this year’s Cannes.