An acclaimed documentary about the conflict between Israel and Palestine from executive producer Abigail Disney has sold North American distribution rights to Abramorama and 1091 Media.
The doc, billed as “an intimate and timely exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and its root causes,” is from first-time writer and director Ofra Bloch. A Jerusalem-born psychoanalyst, Bloch confronts a group of people she was raised to hate and dismiss.
“What a brave and bold film,” Disney said in a statement. “A truthful and unflinching look at victims, victimizers and redemption.”
The film is an All Rites Reserved production, produced by Jack Riccobono with executive producers Disney and Adam Schlesinger. Richard Abramowitz’s Abramorama has taken New York, Los Angeles and other select cities. 1091 will take the rest of the country with SVOD coming at the top of 2020.
The deal was negotiated by Abramowitz, 1091 senior vice president of acquisitions Danielle DiGiacomo, and Riccobono and Schlesinger on behalf of the filmmakers. Among it’s accolades was a prize in the Social Impact category at the Greenwich International Film Festival this weekend.
“This film is about listening to other people,” said Bloch. “We’ve been so moved by the reactions from audiences and hope this story will continue to provide the space for dialogue and understanding in the midst of all the polarization driving us apart.”