Love Nature has greenlit “Stormborn,” a wildlife series about animals living in the wildlands of countries on the edge of the North Atlantic. The three-parter will bow on Love Nature’s 4K linear channel and streaming service and then play on Arte in France and Germany, BBC Scotland and Smithsonian Channel.
Love Nature is the natural history banner within the Blue Ant production, distribution and channels group. Blue Ant International is selling “Stormborn” internationally and kicking off pre-sales at the Sunny Side of the Doc event in La Rochelle, France.
Natural history programming is enjoying a resurgence with Netflix sinking large sums into blue-chip fare, Discovery prepping a global SVOD service programmed with BBC wildlife programming, and the likes of Love Nature and Curiosity Stream playing in the digital space.
Scottish-based indie Maramedia is making “Stormborn.” Production is underway and will take in locations including Norway, Iceland, and the Shetland Islands, Scotland.
“We are thrilled to co-produce this high-end, blue-chip series with such an amazing roster of partners,” said Carlyn Staudt, EVP, Love Nature 4K. “The final product will no doubt have global appeal.”
Otters, arctic foxes, and reindeer are among the animals that will feature in the series. “Showcasing these unusual and charismatic species as they battle the wild climate of the North will help us a build a narrative that’s alive with beauty, danger, and savage drama,” said Maramedia directors Nigel Pope and Jackie Savery.